By Fathers, For Fathers

(800) 888-7755

The 2003 Florida Legislature passed Senate Bill 480, replacing the Florida Commission on Responsible Fatherhood with the Commission on Marriage and Family Support Initiatives as of July 1, 2003.

The new commission will take a broader approach to strengthening families by detailing comprehensive statewide strategies for Florida to promote safe, violence-free, substance-abuse-free, respectful, nurturing and responsible parenting; including connection or re-connection of responsible parents, both mothers and fathers, with their children.

The Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives will each appoint six members to the commission by August 1, 2003, with at least half of the commissioners representing the private sector.

With all the financial burdens fathers have to cope with, another big one is car insurance. One of the best ways to get good cheap rates on auto insurance is to compare them online. There are many sites that will give you a rate on the fly.

Help For Fathers in Florida:

Family Law Rules
A list of judicial rules for Family Court.

The Family Court Initiative
Help on alternative methods of dispute resolution.

Florida Divorce Online
Information on child support, alimony, plus many other topics.


Are you a new father getting married in Florida? Look for a wedding professional on Florida Weddings. When it is time to buy the invitations, choose from classic, modern, or trending wedding invitations.

My father was just diagnosed with diabetes, and I've been learning quiet a bit about this disease lately. Do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with it, so you can avoid it. It's a good time to discuss with family members all insurance choices for your parents.

Florida Beaches

Florida beachWe all know that Florida has some beautiful beaches and coastline. But a state that people often forget, is Rhode Island. This northern state is a great place to live and raise a family. This is exactly why our friends Jason and Mia moved there in the spring of 2017. They bought a house in Lincoln and could not be happier.

They are close to the beaches, to nice parks, to Providence, and relatively close to Boston and New York.



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